Monday, July 13, 2009

Knitted in the Womb Notes: My rant on Pitocin

Knitted in the Womb Notes: My rant on Pitocin


  1. This is actually written by another Blogger who is a doula. She has some interesting feed back from laboring women and their rants on the extreme use of Pitocin. I call this bit The Pit And The Pendulum and I will continue a blog or I should say rant on Pitocin and the "Business Of Being Born."!

  2. I do want to say, that I do not want to put my "harsh" views on some that may have had interventions. I don't apologize for being militant about natural childbirth but I do know that alot of my friends or relatives did the best that they could and had beautiful healthy children and had a good experience with their births, even if it was pit induced or not natural or what have you. Congrats to them and their births!!!

  3. I,too, had the pit with my first child. I was 23 years old and if I had known what I was in for I would have done things differently. Everything went smoothly when it was finally time to deliver him.
